The partnership of Serving Hands International and San Francisco Hospital, located in Tijuana, Baja California began in 2004. In April of 2012, San Francisco Hospital was approved for a Serving Hands grant to purchase 4 wheelchairs for individuals with disabilities. One of the recipients was Ramiro Ornelas. Mr.Ornelas has suffered from illness since childhood when he developed Polio. In order to achieve mobility, Mr.Ornelas had constructed his own wheelchair that was built from a discarded shopping cart. On May 23, 2012 Sister Leonarda, a hospital worker, gave Ramiro exciting news! He would soon be given a vital piece of equipment that would aid his everyday life. “When Mr. Ornelas saw his wheelchair, you noticed an overwhelming joy on his face,” said Sister Leonarda. He’d been thinking about this day for a long time, but never thought his dream of owning a real wheelchair would come true. San Francisco Hospital has already served 1,422 people in their community this year, thanks to the support of Servings Hands International and A-1 Self Storage.