Monjas Dominicas del Jardín

By May 20, 2014Partners 2

Monjas Dominicas del Jardin
(Dominican Nuns of the Garden)

Mission: The Dominican Sisters are a contemplitive order of nuns who devote their life to evangelize to the world in the name of Jesus Christ. 

Number Served: 500 members of the community every two weeks.

Director: Madre Maria Raquel Carapia Parra

Location: Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

SHI Partnership Began: 2000

Project Overview: The Dominican Sisters are a contemplitive order of nuns who devote their life to evangelize to the world in the name of Jesus Christ.   The nuns search for silence and pray in silence, offering their prayers for the salvation of the world.  They pray especaily for vocations.  The Sisters minister to the poor and provide bi-weekly food and spiritual guidance.

For information on how you can help this project please contact Sr. Jaime (664) 637-8945 or Sra. Guadalupe (664) 637-8582