Parroquia Nuestra Señora de Lourdes

By May 20, 2014Partners 2

Parroquia Nuestra Señora de Lourdes
(Our Lady of Lourdes Parish)

Mission: To celebrate the Eucharist, to proclaim the Good News, to encourage stewardship as a way of life, and to grow in faith, justice, love and service to others, and to help our community by provide Eucharist, religious education, social services and food to the local community.

Number Served: 700 community members per month.

Director: Padre Arturo Rangel

Location: Col. La Presa, Rodriguez, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

SHI Partnership Began: 2005

Project Overview: 
Father Aaron and parish volunteers provide the community with a bi-weekly food distribution, religious and spiritual education, and blankets in the winter. The parish has received six portable buildings, of which two are used as a chapel, three are used for education and one is used as a library and community resource center.

For information on how you can help this project please contact Lauro Olmeda (664) 381-0038 or email

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