Casa del Migrante en Tijuana, A.C.

By May 20, 2014Partners

Casa del Migrante en Tijuana, A.C.
(Home for the Migrants)

Mission: To provide assistance to men who have been deported back to Mexico from the United States.

Number Served: 8,500 per year.

Director: Father Luiz Kendziersky

Location: Mesa de Otay, Tijuana, BC, Mexico

SHI Partnership Began: 1999

Project Overview: Casa del Migrante en Tijuana, A.C. was founded in 1987, and is a faith-based non-profit temporary shelter run by the Scalabrinian Priests.  The facility provides assistance to men who have been deported back to Mexico from the United States. Oftentimes these men return Tijuana with no money and no way to get back to their home. They receive 3 meals a day, a shower, clean clothing, and are allowed to stay at the center for up to 12 days.  The center also provides medical care, counseling, resources for job training and placement, and spiritual guidance.   SHI provides food, blanket, sweatshirts, shoes, and tarps to the Casa. For more information about this partner, please visit them at

Current Needs: Rice, beans, potatoes, meat and vegetables to continue providing essential meals for migrants.

For information on how you can help this project please contact Casa del Migrant representative Father Luis Kendzierski(664) 682-51-80 or email
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