Convento San Charbel

By May 20, 2014Partners

Misioneras del Santísimo Sacramento, Convento San Charbel
(Missionary Sisters of the Sacred, San Charbel Convent)

Mission: Helping those who cannot help themselves.

Number Served: 3,000 per month

Director: Sister Milagros Delgado

Location: Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

SHI Partnership Began: 1996

Project Overview:
 Convent San Charbel ministers to over 3,000 community members a month. The Sisters also provide bi-weekly food distribution, education, clothing, adult classes, and daily mass. Convent San Charbel has four communites within their orgainization. They have recieved four portable buildings, which are used as school buildings. These communites are located on the outskirts of Tijuana, and most of the families they provide assistance to are displaced migrants from central Mexico who are in need to physical and spiritual assistance. For more information about this partner, please visit:

For information on how you can help this project please contact SHI at (619) 582-8200 or email

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