Hospital Sagrado Corazon

By May 20, 2014Partners

Hospital Sagrado Corazón
(Sacred Heart Hospital)

Mission: To provide medical services to the poorest members of the community.

Number Served: 1,800 per year.

Director: Sister María Cristina Ledezma Ramírez

Location: Colonia Independencia, Tijuana, BC, Mexico

SHI Partnership Began: 2007

Project Overview: Hospital Sagrado Corazon is affiliated and overseen by the Sacred Heart Sisters of Jesus. The hospital currently provides free medical services to 1,800 individuals per year, and networks with the Red Cross to screen patients and refer them to the most appropriate medical facility.

Current Needs: Financial support to cover basic medical supplies, medical equipment, water, facilities, and worker salaries.

For information on how you can help this project please contact Sister Alba Patricia (664) 685-6318 or email
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