House fires are not uncommon, especially in impoverished areas of the world. You read about them in the newspaper or hear about them during your evening news broadcast. It’s noteworthy, and as a viewer one likely sympathizes.
Yet many won’t give it a second thought. In April of 2014 in the outskirts of Tijuana, Mexico the Lozano family of 9 lost everything in a house fire. There was nothing they could salvage. The miracle; however, was that not one family member or neighbor was hurt. Grateful to have each other, they grieved their loss and then wondered what they would do. Where they would go? Serving Hands International in partnership with Centro Promocion Esperanza decided to exercise an arm of their mission and assist in building a new home for them. When Mrs. Karla Lozano was told of the new home she expressed such joy and gratitude. She is quoted saying, “Take care of your family. Love your family. Cherish your family. Because the material things can be replaced, I couldn’t believe there are people in the world that cared about others in this way. Gracias.” Our partner representative, Sister Ines stated, “The overwhelming response to meet the needs of this family in sucha short time is tremendous!” Thanks to the generosity of A-1 Self Storage and donors like you our mission to provide shelter to the Lozano family was a success!
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